Thursday, July 11, 2019

Not Giving Up!

Although we have never met, I have followed Adam Welcome for some time on social media. I have read his books and have been inspired by his work. This past year I was humbled to have him join the Aspiring Leaders cohort that I created a few years ago. Adam is always posting motivational snippets, and a recent one was the punch in the gut that I needed.

Here’s the background story….
I have my school administrator’s license and after countless applications, resumes and even interviews, I have not landed that coveted position. This past year, I thought “I’m done. I’m truly happy with what I’m doing, so I’m going to keep refining that”. I even thought “Heck, I’m *sorta* close to retirement (then found out I wasn’t), I’ll finish, move to the beach and start something new”.

Then Adam posted about how when he first started speaking he did it for free just to get his face/name out there. His recent videos have talked about working twice as hard to get what you want. What really got me was a video saying “he just doesn’t give up”.

Why am I giving up?

Why am not continuing my “Dream Big”?

So I recently reached out to a few friends for advice. No more giving up for me!

Although I hold my administrative license, this fall I am pushing myself to do another “internship” on my own. I have contacted people to get this ball moving. Yes, I remember how busy I was, but I’M NOT GIVING UP! I’m willing to put in the hours and work with others to make connections and see what I need to do to move to the next step in my career.

So, thank you Adam and ALL my supporters who I’ve reached out to recently, and the ones who will be contacted in the future! We’re going to #DreamBig!


  1. Yes yes and yes Jodie - there is absolutely no reason why you should give up. The right position for you just hasn't come along yet.....keep on going!

  2. Never give up. Do something new, keep trying. You can try many thing like something Digital learning and implementation
